Module Sdl.Audio

module Audio: sig .. end
Low-level audio

type sample_type =
| U8 (*8 bits unsigned*)
| S8 (*8 bits signed*)
| U16 (*16 bits unsigned*)
| S16 (*16 bits signed*)
| U16LSB (*16 bits unsigned least-significant-bit first*)
| S16LSB (*16 bits signed least-significant-bit first*)
| U16MSB (*16 bits unsigned most-significant-bit first*)
| S16MSB (*16 bits signed most-significant-bit first*)
Type of sample

type audio_status =
| STOPPED (*Device has been stopped*)
| PAUSED (*Device has been paused*)
| PLAYING (*Device is currently playing*)
| UNKNOWN (*Device state is unknown*)
Status of the audio device

type channel_type =
| MONO (*Mono channel*)
| STEREO (*Stereo channel*)

type audio_spec = {
   frequency : int; (*The number of samples sent to the sound device every second. Common values are 11025, 22050 and 44100. The higher the better.*)
   format : sample_type; (*Specifies the size and type of each sample element*)
   channels : channel_type; (*The number of seperate sound channels*)
   silence : int;
   samples : int; (*When used with open_audio this refers to the size of the audio buffer in samples. A sample a chunk of audio data of the size specified in format mulitplied by the number of channels. When the audio_spec is used with load-wav samples is set to 4096.*)
   size : int;
The audio_spec structure is used to describe the format of some audio data. This structure is used by open_audio and load-wav. While all fields are used by open_audio only freq, format, samples and channels are used by load_wav.
val mix_maxvolume : int
The maximum sample mixer volume. Volume ranges from 0 (silence) to mix_maxvolume
val open_audio : audio_spec -> (Sdl.byte_array -> unit) -> audio_spec
open_audio desired_audio_spec mixer_callback -> obtained audio_spec

This function opens the audio device with the desired parameters, and returns the obtained parameters, placing the actual hardware parameters in the structure pointed to by obtained.

val close_audio : unit -> unit
close_audio closes the audio device
val load_wav : string -> audio_spec * Sdl.byte_array
load_wav filename -> obtained audio_spec * wav_buffer

This function loads a WAVE file into memory.

If this function succeeds, it returns the given audio-spec, filled with the audio data format of the wave data, and sets wav_buffer to a C-malloc'd buffer containing the audio data, You need to free the audio buffer with free-wav when you are done with it.

This function sets the SDL error message if the wave file cannot be opened, uses an unknown data format, or is corrupt. Currently raw, MS-ADPCM and IMA-ADPCM WAVE files are supported.

val free_wav : Sdl.byte_array -> unit
free_wav wav_buffer Frees a WAV buffer allocated by load-wav
val pause_audio : bool -> unit
pause_audio on\off

Toggle audio playback on and off

val lock_audio : unit -> unit
The lock manipulated by these functions protects the callback function. During a lock_audio period, you can be guaranteed that the callback function is not running. Do not call these from the callback function or you will cause deadlock.
val unlock_audio : unit -> unit
Unlocks a previous lock_audio call.
val mix_audio : Sdl.byte_array -> Sdl.byte_array -> int -> unit
mix_audio buffer1 buffer2 volume

This function takes two audio buffers of len bytes each of the playing audio format and mixes them, performing addition, volume adjustment, and overflow clipping. The volume ranges from 0 to mix_maxvolume and should be set to the maximum value for full audio volume. Note this does not change hardware volume. This is provided for convenience -- you can mix your own audio data.

Note: Do not use this function for mixing together more than two streams of sample data. The output from repeated application of this function may be distorted by clipping, because there is no accumulator with greater range than the input (not to mention this being an inefficient way of doing it). Use mixing functions from SDL_mixer, OpenAL, or write your own mixer instead.

val get_audio_status : unit -> audio_status
get_audio_status -> audio_status

Returns either STOPPED, PAUSED or PLAYING depending on the current audio status

val convert_audio : sample_type ->
channel_type ->
int ->
sample_type ->
channel_type -> int -> Sdl.byte_array -> Sdl.byte_array
convert_audio from_format from_channels from_frequency to_format to_channels to_frequency input_buffer -> output_buffer

Converts an audio sample in input_buffer of sample type from_format, number of channels from_channels, and sample frequency from_frequency to sample type to_format, number of channels to_channels, and sample frequency to_frequency

The converted samples are returned in output_buffer

val fx_pan : float -> float -> Sdl.byte_array -> Sdl.byte_array
fx_pan pan volume input_buffer -> output_buffer

This is an auxiliary, non core SDL mixing function. It takes an input sample in input_buffer and pans it (or more accurately, adjusts the balance) according to the value of pan which lies in the range [-1.0 - 1.0 ]. A value of -1.0 means that the sound will be coming exclusively from the left speaker, a value of 0.0 means that the sound will come equally from both speakers, and 1.0 means that the sound will come exclusively from the right speaker. The panned sample will be placed in the output_buffer.

volume sets the volume for the output buffer

val fx_shift : float -> Sdl.byte_array -> Sdl.byte_array
fx_shift : frequency_shift input_buffer -> output_buffer

This is an auxiliary, non core SDL mixing function. It takes an input sample in input_buffer and shifts its frequency. frequency_shift determines the frequency shift. A value of 1.0 leaves the frequency unchanged, a value between 0.1 and 1.0 lowers the frequency and a value between 1.0 and 10.0 raises the frequency. Shifts are capped in the range [0.1 - 10.0]. The frequency shifted sound is placed in output_buffer