Module Sdl.SDLGL

module SDLGL: sig .. end
SDL OpenGL support

type gl_attr =
| RED_SIZE (*Size of the framebuffer red component, in bits*)
| GREEN_SIZE (*Size of the framebuffer green component, in bits*)
| BLUE_SIZE (*Size of the framebuffer blue component, in bits*)
| ALPHA_SIZE (*Size of the framebuffer alpha component, in bits*)
| DOUBLEBUFFER (*0 or 1, enable or disable double buffering*)
| BUFFER_SIZE (*Size of the framebuffer, in bits*)
| DEPTH_SIZE (*Size of the depth buffer, in bits*)
| STENCIL_SIZE (*Size of the stencil buffer, in bits*)
| ACCUM_RED_SIZE (*Size of the accumulation buffer red component, in bits*)
| ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE (*Size of the accumulation buffer green component, in bits*)
| ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE (*Size of the accumulation buffer blue component, in bits*)
| ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE (*Size of the accumulation buffer alpha component, in bits*)
While you can set most OpenGL attributes normally, the attributes listed above must be known before SDL sets the video mode. These attributes a set and read with set_attribute and get_attribute.
val swap_buffers : unit -> unit

Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update Display

val load_bmp : string -> Sdl.Video.surface
load_bmp file -> surface

Loads a Windows Bitmap file and loads it into a surface suitable for use as an OpenGL texture

val set_attribute : gl_attr -> int -> unit
set_attribute attr value

Sets the OpenGL attribute attr to value. The attributes you set don't take effect until after a call to set_video_mode. You should use get_attribute to check the values after a set_video_mode call.

val get_attribute : gl_attr -> int
get_attribute attr -> value

Returns the value of the SDL/OpenGL attribute attr in value. This is useful after a call to set_video_mode to check whether your attributes have been set as you expected.